
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The "M" thing~

Recently, people just love to hear about Marriage, yes, the "M" word... this word is so powerful till each and every post that my friend made which contain the M word will get hundreds replies or at least likes ( in facebook I mean) well, recently also, there is a friend of mine which kept asking me when will I get married... WTH!! I'm just turning 20,(yes, birthday wise, I'm still 19)... I haven't finish up my degree why would I get married.. its not like I cant but, there still a lot of things to do before getting married.. 

yes I really mean A LOT~~ 
for instance, 
1- finish up my degree
2- get a decent job
3- learn to take care of household
4- improving cooking skills
5- save enough money
6- buy a car
bla bla bla... but the most important thing is.....
Enjoying Single Life to the max!!

why would I take responsibility of a marriage when I still can enjoy my youth..
well my friend said that early marriage can avoid maksiat...
well, for me, are youth can make you do such thing? why cant you avoid it when you are not married??
those answer are for those who cannot control their lust.. I'm sorry but it is the truth..
so if you think you cannot control the lust... avoid coupling~ its not that hard... hahahahahahaha...

but anyway, for those my friend who have plan for getting married, do invite me to your weeding..
for those who are still single, chill out!
now is the time to enjoy youth.. 
do anything that you want before you are tied of marriage responsibility ( do good things only!)
as for me, this is the last time I will talk bout the M word ...
the next time I talk bout it, I might planning for my wedding...


MunirahAmir said...

para, i da ade blog..hehe..tpi, bosan je blog 2..follow me:p

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