
Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm a Malaysian!

Hari Raya or Hari Merdeka?? well i just saw a video by matlutfi90 (if you love youtubers you must know this malaysian youtubers).. well, as usual, every video that he's made are meaningful... ada bnyk input dan bnyk facts yg kita bole dpt n fikir2kan... tp aku bkn nk ckp pasal video y dia buat 2.. well ada kaitan, aku da pkir psal benda ni lama dah... cuma xtaw nk tulis cmna.. lpas tgok vid dy bru dapat ilham.. cewah.. 

Independence day... Hari Kemerdekaan... tahun ini masuk tahun ke 54 negara kita merdeka... lebih setengah dekad kita merderka... tiap2 tahun kita melaungkan kalimah keramat MERDEKA... well, some of us, others just tgok org lain sebut.. but, adakah minda kita suda merdeka.. mungkin ya, mungkin juga tidak.. ayat cliché yg org selalu sebut, secara fizikalnya, kita sudah merdeka, namun mentaliti kita masih di takuk lama... well, cliché atau tidak.. itu adalah kebenarannya... 

ramai yang tidak tahu apatah lagi faham tentang pembangunan negara bangsa.. bukanlah saya mengatakan bahawa saya arif tentang perkara ini.. tetapi ilmu y saya ada adalah cukup untuk mengatakan saya tahu akan perkara negara bangsa ini... ( apasal guna ayat baku ni? semangat anak pasca merdeka da muncul da) negara bangsa merujuk kepada pengabunggan( well fusion) keatas entiti negara (tempat, geologi) dan bangsa ( budaya dan etnik) dengan menyamakan negara dan bangsa.. jadi bagi kita rakyat Malaysia kita adalah bangsa Malaysia.. bagi sesetengah pihak, pembangunan negara bangsa adalah seperti hendak memusnahkan bangsa etnik seseorang itu.. mereka tidak mahu bangsa mereka lenyap... namun, tujuan negara bangsa itu bukanlah untuk memusnahkan sesuatu bangsa.. dalam negara yang mempunyai berbilang bangsa dan kaum, perasan patriotisme terhadap negara itu sendiri adalah kurang jika di bandingkan dengan semangat kekitaan terhadap bangsa.. 
melayu, bumiputra sabah, sarawak dan orang asli merupakan tuan terhadap negara ini... kerana mereka lah org pioneer di negara ini.. manakala india dan cina di bawa masuk oleh British.. ini adalah fakta... tetapi, siapakah yang bersama2 menuntut kemerdekaan terhadap tanah melayu dahulu? adakah orang melayu sahaja?? tidak bukan.. semasa menuntut kemerdakaan daripada British, kita boleh bersama2 berganding bahu untuk memastikan negara ini bebas dari penjajah luar.. jd, adakah bangsa cina dan india tidak berhak terhadap negara ini?? jika mereka tidak menganggap negara ini sebagai negara mereka, they will not bother to fight for this independent... masyarakat bumiputra sabah dan sarawak pula telah setuju untuk bergabung dengan tanah melayu.. namun, masih ada sebilangan anak muda bumiputra yang mengatakan, 31 ogos bukanlah tarikh kemerdekaan malaysia.. itu tarikh kemerdekaan tanah melayu.. malaysia secara rasminya terhasil pada 16 september.. dan enggan mengakui tarikh 31 ogos itu... benar, 31 ogos tanah melayu merdeka, 16 sept malaysia tercipta.. namun, adakah sejarah yang tercipta pada 16 sept itu akan terjadi tanpa kemerdekaan tanah melayu pada 31 ogos.. perjuangan memartabatkan tarikh 16 sept adalah perjuangan yang  saya sokong, namun, kini setelah tarikh itu diiktiraf dan di martabatkan, seharusnya, muda mudi bumiputra juga mengakui dan mengiktiraf tarikh 31 ogos itu sebagai hari kemerdekaan... dan 16 sept hari malaysia..

pembangunan negara bangsa, pada pandangan saya bukanlah mustahil untuk dicapai... masyarakat perlu untuk lebih bersifat terbuka terhadap satu sama lain.. prejudis dan buruk sangka terhadap bangsa yang lain adalah seperti barah yang akan memusnahkan negara bangsa... bukanlah saya ingin anda semua melontar dan membuang identiti bangsa, etnik sendiri.. tetapi menerima bangsa2 yang lain untuk bersama2 membina negara bangsa.. setiap bangsa itu unik dan istimewa dari bangsa yang lain... dan bangsa lain tidak ada hak untuk menghina bangsa yang lainnya... kekalkan identiti bangsa etnik masing2 dan kita bentuk identiti bangsa malaysia berdasarkan identiti unik dari setiap bangsa.. 

seorang muslim mungkin berbeza dengan seorang yang beragama hindu..
seorang iban mungkin tidak bertutur bahasa melayu..
seorang india belainan warna kulit dari seorang cina..
seorang bajau tinggal di kawasan yang lain dari seorang orang asli...
namun, perbezaan itulah yang membuat kita SAMA...
ya... kita semua rakyat MALAYSIA

Hari Merdekaraya

Mungkin kita sentiasa berbalah, Mungkin kita sering bertelagah,
Pendapat kita mungkin berbeza, Pandangan kita berlainan arah,Itu hakikat manusia,Sama fizikalnya berbeza mindanya,becoz, at the end of the day,Kita adalah Kita, We are our own selves...Namun, di sebalik perbezaan itu, kita tetap sama...Hidup untuk mencari redha-Nya...Maaf dipinta, keampunan dipohon...Salam Aidilfitri dan Salam Merdeka buat semua...

pergh... aku post benda ni td kat pesbuk... wahahaha... xsgka diri ini sungguh puitis... 
lepas ni bole la wat puisi pulak... ahahahaha
tp, sume kat ats 2, I really mean it... it true from th bottom of my heart..
Up until now I only can convey my feeling through english...
why?? becoz it simple... so benda kat ats 2 walaupun ada mix2 ngan english aku kira sbgai pencapaian terbesar dalam bahasa melayu selain A1 msa SPM... ahahahahahaha...
MERDEKA!!!! (jerit dgn penoh semangat)
aku kna gak tlis pasal ni... asal aku ckp maaf zahir batin kat kengkawan, mesti dyrg ckp, zahir jer batin blom agy... ahahaha... funny but well the def of batin here is the hidden things... such as, kalo ada tersinggung ke terase ke... then zahir 2 y bole nmpk la... tersepak ke, tetampar ke... hehehehe... so guys... MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN~~

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Stylo weh!

Mlm y hening ni, tba2 aku rsa nk g usha2 tutorial pkai shawl... well, da nk rya ni, nk jgk stylo2 msa rya kn.. (kalo msa normal days x nk la over2 stylo kn..) msa rya ni lah nk melaram... jd td ada la muncul keinginan nk tgok2 style hana tajima y cun melecun 2.. tgok pny tgok.. ehh, senang jer nk tiru style dia nih.. pastu tba2 realiti dtg menjelma... hana tajima 2 cun tahap dewa... ko cun ker?? ahahahahaha... btol jgk.. org cun mcm hana tajima 2 pakai apa pon tetap cun.. jd tepaksa la melupakan hasrat di hati 2... kikikiki... tp da kbtulan usha2 tutorial, aku usha la sume style y ada... mak aih~ bejuta2 lemon style shawl ni... pesen ntah apa2 pon ada... to tell the truth, msa kat kl pon mmg da nmpk bejuta2 jenis pesen org pakai shawl ni... ada y kiut 2 seswai la pakai pesen hana tajima@yuna y serabai mambai 2... ada y x brapa nk kiut 2... mmg nmpk serabai giler lar... hahahahaha... aku nk jgk kn try serabai2 ni... tp tkot nnt nmpk mcm org homeless plak... mcm bru mati laki pon ada gak (ye la sedih sgt smpai x sempat nk pkai tdg elok2..) jd aku pon nga kumpul seberapa bnyk style y mampu ntok aku try esok.... mnataw ada y bekenan d hati (dan di muka y agak kiut x brapa nk kiut ni)... 
aku pon nk melawa stylo mylo gak ari raya nih.... XD

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Raya already???

Time do fly fast.. Without even realising we are in the middle of Ramadhan..
 Yay!! Its gonna be Raya soon.. Everyone is busy preparing themselves not to forget their house for Raya.. And speaking of which remind me that I haven’t got my Baju Raya..
 Well, neither one of us in the family got their baju raya yet.. hahahahaha…  
it just seem not soo important for us to get NEW baju raya.. this few years back seem like nobody even care bout baju raya.. and which makes me think, since when NEW baju raya become soooo significant with Hari Raya itself…. Well minus the fact of baju raya is for hari raya..
I don’t see any need for people buying NEW baju raya every year.. thank god that raya is once a year.. if raya is monthly… huhu.. who knows.. this also ring a bell for me.. like, when it only raya time people do visit each other.. if not for raya, people just pass by like they are stranger.. then, to those who just seek for forgiveness only on hari raya.. hahahaha.. that’s even funnier.. they just build up a year worth of mistakes just to ask for forgiveness on raya… its not that hard to apologies when making mistake.. why need to build a year worth of mistakes.. these kind of things makes hari raya WEIRD.. yes! W.E.I.R.D. hari raya has lost its original meaning.. isn’t raya is celebration( more like being thankful) after a month of Ramadhan?? <<correct me if I’m wrong.. so why need new clothes, why ask for forgiveness worth a year (since we just can apologies after made some mistakes) and why only visit during raya??

Its not like it is a wrong things to do.. but giving that Hari Raya has lost it own meaning due to these new culture.. 
if you ask kids what is raya for them, they’ll answer duit raya( oh yea, forget to mention it earlier), new baju raya, kuih raya, and balik kampong… ahahahaaha… cute~~ at the same time just not true.. they need to be educate the true meaning of raya.. instead of some material memory of raya.. what I’m trying to say is, if the kids don’t have new baju raya, their parents didn’t give them duit raya, cannot balik kampong is that mean their not having raya?? 
They need to be told of the joy of hari raya.. the feeling of thankfulness( not sure if that  word even exist) as they have gone a month of fasting in Ramadhan..

Alas, looking at the bright side, getting new baju raya is the way of expressing joy for this special day.. it not like everyday we cant buy new baju raya.. well given that the baju raya will remain as baju raya, even they just a plain baju kurung.. if put with others baju kurung, we wont call it simply as baju kurung rite.. we gonna say like “ini baju raya aku thun lepas, y biru tu 2 tahun lepas… y merah 2 baju kurung biase jer.. aku bw p kuliah jer 2” hahahaha.. special isn’t it? Well visiting on raya is just and excuse.. what I mean by excuse is, when suddenly you come to visit your relatives, that might become AWKWARD~ so, on hari raya it can be an excuse to come visit..”alah, hari ni kan hari raya.. kena la lawat sedara mara..” nice excuse there~ hahahaha.. but asking a year worth of forgiveness is just… not that right.. one should apologies after making mistakes.. maybe not on the spot, but holding it for a year?? Well.. not cool~
So as I’m saying, those new emerged culture is now a part of our hari raya, but still I hope we don’t lose the spirit of hari raya.. the true meaning of hari raya itself.. so that’s all.. now I’ve gotta think what colour is my baju raya gonna be.. CHOW~~

Monday, August 15, 2011

Whats up docs...??

Sooooo.. recently my cousin get into accident and was brought to the ER at HQE.. his jaw broke like the jaw just hanging there and cannot be closed.. by the time he got to the hosp his face was covered in blood.. (scary~~) at a glance it look like a severe damage( like maybe his skull was broken, the brain damaged, got blood clot, need blood transplant bla..bla..bla..) but its not that severe... well in ER broken jaw is not that severe.. and so, the doctors just left him there without being consult.. 
as i was saying, the injury are not really severe just a fer sticthes here and there, the jaw need to be fixed, but it took almost 7 hours for my cuz being finally consulted and sent to normal ward.. WTH?? 7 hours?? thank god my cuz is not badly injured.. if he was badly injured, like lost his arm.. aint 7 hours can kill him.. well maybe they'll know that he's suffering from minor injury.. ( i guess i can live with that)..
so basically, the next day, my mom went to visit my cuz and guess what... they just made a few stitches on his cuts and the jaw are still kept hanging there.. like literally hanging there.. he cant barely speak ( if you count mumbling as speaking) and let alone eat... and what the nurses say?? they just consult dentist to ask bout the broken jaw before they can do anything bout it.. well if that the case, why don't you do anything bout the jaw.. don't let it hanging there.. they say TOMORROW they will tied the jaw up so that my cuz can close his mouth... whattt??? tomoro?? why not now.. there's not enough nurse and docs to care for the patient in this hosp rite now... ok.. let me make it clear.. the hosp is HQE.. not polyclinic ah chong!! what on earth that is not enough docs.. its not like we in some sort of village deep in the forest.. its in the city... KOTA KINABALU!!
OMG.. I never realise that there are not enough docs and nurses in the city.. all this time I think the insufficiency of docs and nurses are for those in the rural areas.. Omo..omo..omo...

SO! for those who are doctor-to-be... especially those who studies outside the country, please... please... jebal( in korean of course).... come back to Malaysia and serve the country after you have finish studying.. The country especially our own state need you..
-Berkhidmat untuk negara-*

(* pesanan khidmat masyarakat di bawakan oleh ubat gigi Siti)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The "M" thing~

Recently, people just love to hear about Marriage, yes, the "M" word... this word is so powerful till each and every post that my friend made which contain the M word will get hundreds replies or at least likes ( in facebook I mean) well, recently also, there is a friend of mine which kept asking me when will I get married... WTH!! I'm just turning 20,(yes, birthday wise, I'm still 19)... I haven't finish up my degree why would I get married.. its not like I cant but, there still a lot of things to do before getting married.. 

yes I really mean A LOT~~ 
for instance, 
1- finish up my degree
2- get a decent job
3- learn to take care of household
4- improving cooking skills
5- save enough money
6- buy a car
bla bla bla... but the most important thing is.....
Enjoying Single Life to the max!!

why would I take responsibility of a marriage when I still can enjoy my youth..
well my friend said that early marriage can avoid maksiat...
well, for me, are youth can make you do such thing? why cant you avoid it when you are not married??
those answer are for those who cannot control their lust.. I'm sorry but it is the truth..
so if you think you cannot control the lust... avoid coupling~ its not that hard... hahahahahahaha...

but anyway, for those my friend who have plan for getting married, do invite me to your weeding..
for those who are still single, chill out!
now is the time to enjoy youth.. 
do anything that you want before you are tied of marriage responsibility ( do good things only!)
as for me, this is the last time I will talk bout the M word ...
the next time I talk bout it, I might planning for my wedding...