
Saturday, October 30, 2010


whoop.... for sooo long haven update diz blog and suddenly come up with an addiction?? huhuhuhu... 
truly... I really2 addicted to diz 1 drama... K-drama ofkos...

at first, aku mo tgok sbb hero dy Micky Yoochun dr DBSK 2.. tp da tgok skali..
huuuu... addicted la plak... 
smpy buli lg tiap2 mggu tggu episod bru...

bez owww ceta ni.. the 1 and only k-drama y wat aku addicted.. hohohohohoho...

ceta nya gini...
Sungkyunkwan Scandal is set in Sungkyunkwan University in the late Joseon era during the reign of King Jeongjo, revolving around the exploits and love stories of four youths. When her younger brother's illness worsens and their family is in danger of being evicted from their house for lack of money, Kim Yoon Hee enters the school under his name, disguised as a boy in her desperation to support him. There, she becomes friends with the intelligent and upright Lee Sun Joon, the playboy Goo Yong Ha and rebellious Moon Jae Shin...

Micky Yoochun - Lee Sun Joon
Park Min Young - Kim Yoon Hee
Yoo Ah In - Moon Jae Shin
Song Jung Ki - Goo Yong Ha

mebi korg pkir..
ala tipikal ceta korea.. mesti ada 2 org laki berebut ngan minah 2..
xpon.. lg dasat suma laki suka heroin 2..
mesti hero 2nd 2 sedih n kecewa sbb x dpt together ngan heroin 2..

whoop3.... deng!!! wrong!!

mebi drama ni mmg ada ke'tipikal'an mcm k-drama y lain..
tp... apa y buat drama ni unik...
- dy pnya setting ialah zaman dolu2..
- plot ceta y besttt..
- pelakony ensem n cantik..
- dan y lg penting.... drama first Micky Yoochun belakon..( dasar peminat DBSK)
actualy, mmg aku rsa tipikal drama korea la ceta ni.. kahkahkah.. but..
ntah camna aku buli addicted.. ahahahaha..
kalo mo taw ceta ni bez ka x... tgok la sndiri..

exam da dkat.. tp aku x stady 1 apa pon.. cbok tgok korea.. huhuhu.. 
selagi drama ni x abis.. alamatny x blajar la aku..


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